Friday, 5 February 2016

Top 20 mistakes people make when they are dating

The practice of love is an integral activity in each one’s life yet we make mistakes in expressing it. When two people are dating, it starts out in hope of all ends well. But, is it attainable in real life? We all inadvertently or advertently make many mistakes while dating, however only few will put an effort to correct them and prevent them in occurring again with their next relationship. If you think you are among those few exceptional lovers, this article is for you. Here is a list of 20 frequent mistakes that we do when we are dating.
1 Excessive Self-love
I am a recovering narcissist. I thought narcissism was about self-love till someone told me there is a flip side to it. It is actually drearier than self-love; it is unrequited self-love.” – Emily Levine.
This is the most common mistake we all do when we are dating. Being self-confident is good but too much of it can rub your date’s shoulder the wrong way. You are on a date, not for a job interview; keep it simple and take it slow. Instead of being explicit, leave some room for your girlfriend or boyfriend to guess your character; this will titillate your relationship.
Also, not everyone likes to put an exhibition of personal life as their friends list may also include friends from work and at times leaders as well. Hence, seek consent from your partner before putting up anything on virtual world.
2 Assuming you own the other
If our love is only a will to possess, it is not love.” – Thích Nhat Hanh.
The biggest problem when dating someone is, we do not know whether our date is highly possessive unless we complete a good amount of months of courtship. And, the trickiest part is, there is very thin line between possessiveness and care, making it extremely difficult to differentiate. Do not assume that dating means from henceforth you own the life of your significant other. Possessive behavior can hinder growth of your intimacy so you must learn to self-control and trust your dating partner.
3 Mr. Perfect or Miss. Perfect
Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.”  Salvador Dalí.
No. They do not exist. Holding out for that person who is perfect is equivalent to staying single forever. Everyone has faults and problems rather look for someone who compensates your weaknesses, who balances your lows.
4 Having conversations of ex in detail
The first recipe for happiness is: avoid too lengthy meditation on the past.” – Andre Maurois.
Well, this is not new! This is a well-known mistake across the world but still is as prevalent as a running nose. Sharing information of ex-lovers to some extent is necessary but an in detail report is undoubtedly uncalled for. During the initial phase, like dating, it is about getting to know each other and not about memorizing the former experiences. Start anew and leave the old baggage at home itself. If getting over is challenging then seek help from experts and then pursue a new relationship.
5 Too much of sacrifice
Don’t sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice too much there’s nothing else you can give and nobody will care for you.” – Karl Lagerfeld.
This is observed in people with low self-esteem. They are insecure and are feel fortunate for being accepted by someone. In order to preserve that relationship, they give up on many things that are otherwise very important to them. They compromise and can go to any extent to see the other person happy even if it is harming themselves. If you think sacrificing is the right approach for a happy and healthy relationship then it is just your foolishness. People value those who possess self-respect and self-esteem.
6 Neglecting warning signals
Remember that life's big changes rarely give advance warning.” – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
Early dating life throws many warning signals at us but often times we tend to overlook them. If your date does not turn up at an event where he/she promised to attend, it is an alarm and if he/she frequently makes excuses to avoid meeting you, it is as well considered a warning sign. Do not brush off these red flags as just part of any relationship. No, they are not! Awake and recognize them early to prevent major damages in relationship.

7 Over indulgence
Just as quote puts it, it is danger. A little bit of understanding of personal details is mandatory during the dating days but too much intervening is harmful for any relationship. It will certainly frighten your prospective partner. Be poised, calm and you will know what you need to know straight from your dating partner’s mouth when it is time.
8 Dying to impress
Never try to impress a woman, because if you do she'll expect you to keep up the standard for the rest of your life.” – W. C. Fields.
It is human tendency to impress others and when on date, that becomes essential. Even if you manage a few weeks posing as someone whom you are not, eventually you will have to come out of that mask, as faking for a long time is impossible. In order to impress your crush, you take many drastic steps so much so that at one point you appear as a desperate to him/her. This very habit smashed chances of many dating relationships from graduating to the next level.
9 Too much display of affection on social media
Don't show off every day, or you'll stop surprising people. There must always be some novelty left over. The person who displays a little more of it each day keeps up expectations, and no one ever discovers the limits of his talent.” – Baltasar Gracian.
Social media nowadays has intervened too much into everybody’s life. Couples have even started flaunting their affection on online platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Online display of affection is acceptable only up till a particular limit but too much sharing of each other’s love affairs will soon develop cracks in the relationship. Not everyone in your friends list would be interested in your love life so when you exchange extreme love messages, it will result in annoyed and irritated comments from them, which in turn create differences between you both.
10 Assumptions
Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in.”  Isaac Asimov.
Many begin framing assumptions right after few days into dating. This is so wrong! The lovers have to realize the fact that to understand a person completely, it takes more than just days. Most of the folks, during the initials days of dating, try to impress the others and do not exhibit their true-selves totally, so making assumptions and thinking that he or she is perfect for you is illogical.
Even if your assumptions are correct, there is no guarantee that they stay that way for longer period because people are ever-changing beings. Hence, do not come to conclusions basing your assumptions.
11 Leaking intimate information to friends
People love gossip. It's the biggest thing that keeps the entertainment industry going.” – Ellen DeGeneres
Never share your intimate matters with friends because as they say – “It is really a small world”. It is highly likely that the person you date and you share common friends and if you share with your friends, what you did with your date, even though you warned them not to spread it to anyone, it will pass on among your group. Eventually it will also reach your date resulting in unpleasant encounters. Be cautious about what you share with your friends; never let them know what your dating partner does not want them to know.

12 Spying the partner
Do not spy on your date. If he/she knows that they are under surveillance, they break free from you the very next day. If you have doubts, ask them directly. Do not participate in any activities that might backfire at you with ten times more intensity.
13 Not being thankful
Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”  Marcel Proust.
If you are in a great dating relationship, be grateful and show some appreciation towards your dating partner. Being thankful to other person incrementally advances your relationship to stronger bond. Studies have proved that lack of thankfulness among couples have destroyed relationships as one of them felt unimportant during the course of dating.

14 Unable to allocate time for each other
No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make the other person feel important.” – Mary Kay Ash.
If you are really very busy then do not consider commencing a relationship. Dating is the first step towards a long life relationship, if you fail to invest time and life in it, there is no assurance that you will earn a peaceful relationship. Only when you assign time for your partner, you can understand him/her profoundly.

15 Hoping he/she will make the first move
Doing nothing accomplishes nothing, gains nothing, changes nothing, and wins nothing. You have to make a move.”  Richelle E. Goodrich.
Waiting will worsen the wait more. Do not dwell in an expectation thinking that the other person will do it first. Wait only till certain limit, after that do not hesitate to make the first move. Extending the wait is good to none rather it begets negative thoughts in your partner slowly drifting both apart. Nor wait too long or attempt it too early is the one of the best dating advices.

16 Lack of Humor
The secret to humor is surprise.”  Aristotle.
This particular quality is not restricted to men alone; it is applicable to women as well. Both men and women want their partners to possess at least minimum range of sense of humor. Without humor, the conversations are dry and boring. Train yourself in the field of comedy and you will get surprised when you put into effect the learned skills during dating.
17 Not being honest
Dishonesty is the raw material not of quacks only, but also in great part dupes.” – Thomas Carlyle 
Miscommunication is the biggest villain in dating and that may be byproduct of dishonesty, when you try to hide true inhibitions, desires and needs from your potential partner. Do not be in a relationship just to please someone or for the happiness of your date. Instead, the best thing you can do to him/her is being honest about your feelings about the relationship. There is no point in dating someone if you are seeing someone else off the record. Be vocal of your expectations from the person early in the relationship so as to avoid any misunderstandings or infidelity issues later.
18 Believing one style suits to all
I think every person has their own identity and beauty. Everyone being different is what is really beautiful. If we were all the same, it would be boring.” – Tila Tequila
Some like it slow and some like it vigorous. Implementing same style of flirtation to everyone is fruitless. First, try to learn the person’s character and then react with empathy. We have been smothered with delusions that men are all same or women are all alike but it is far from the truth. Romantic gestures liked by one may be too much for the other so make an effort to know the person better before targeting your bow and arrow.

19 Too much dependency on the partner
It is not inequality which is the real misfortune, it is dependence.” – Voltaire.
Intimacy has to grow when in dating but sometimes, during the process one of the couple gradually leans too much on the other. The gesture, which appears sweet in initial days, will soon become a potential trouble. A few symptoms of overtly dependent person are, not able to take decision on his/her own, feeling incapable in the absence of partner or wanting the partner to remind their efficiency all the time. Dating is about letting both individuals contribute equal levels of themselves but if the balance is disturbed due to too much weight only on one side, it will definitely break off from the bonding. Do not harm your budding relationship with your too much dependency syndrome.
20 Discussing future
Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy.” – Saadi.
Remember, you are still dating. Bringing up topics about future and life decisions will fear your dating partners. It is too quick to discuss matters that are not valid until two years from now. Be in present and have conversations on present life situations.

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