Wednesday, 14 May 2014

How I Overcame My Procrastination


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If drugs make you an addict after having taken them in, procrastination will not even let you sense the flavor of the work at hand. You want to do the task but your inner voice says "Let's do it tomorrow" and you sincerely listen to it. Tomorrow, that tomorrow will never come. 
It has no bias for which race, nationality, religion or gender you belong, it's only mission is to make you give up at the right moment.

Even now, just a few seconds before I started writing this post, it was sweet-talking to me. Cajoling me to postpone it to tomorrow when the mood is fresh and time is anew. But, I also discovered a tiny voice that being run over by the loud procrastination's voice. That tiny voice is contradicting the loud voice. It said "Time is now and there is no tomorrow". Though it was hard ignoring the loud voice, I tried to make a conversation with the tiny voice. 

Asked where it has come from so suddenly. It said it has been there since the beginning. I was shocked, I asked it then why hasn't it been vocal all these years. It replied it would talk only when the loud voice would talk. I asked again then why couldn't I hear it until now. It blamed me for that, I was taken aback and demanded a reason. All that followed after that just left me speechless.

It said the tone of the tiny voice depends on the zeal of the owner. As the zeal ebbs, the tone of the tiny voice too gets weaken but if the zeal is strong then the tone too gets louder. As per the tiny voice, my zeal this time was stronger than ever that its voice has raised to a level of audibility. Imagine what would have been the decibels of the voice if my zeal was at its best. It would certainly surpass the loud voice and I will never get influenced to postpone any task.

I thank the tiny voice for teaching me a lesson but it threw back the thanks at me saying indeed it is thankful to my zeal for being high this day. It urged me to abide in the same zeal so as to preserve its existence.


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